,,Workshop of filigree – Vangel Dereban” is financed by the Local and Regional Competitiveness Project (LRCP), supported by European Union using funds from IPA II aimed to competitiveness and innovation in Macedonia. LRCP is managed as a Hybrid Trust Fund and consist of four components, executed by the World Bank and the Government of North Macedonia and provides investment funding and capacity building to support sector growth, investment in destinations and specific destination prosperity. At the regional and local levels, the Project supports selected tourism destinations in the country through a combination of technical assistance to improve destination management, infrastructure investment and investments in linkages and innovation.

This sub-project ,,Workshop of filigree – Vangel Dereban” aims at reviving and promoting craftsmanship, which served as a backbone of the Ohrid and Struga region’s economy for decades and centuries, and interwoven with the traditions of the region was one of the most interesting and most attractive activities for tourists to learn the Macedonian culture and traditions. One of the most famous crafts was blacksmithing, and one of the most famous craftsmen making jewelry from silver is Vangjel Dereban, whose shop and workshop were one of the most visited attractions for tourists.

This is documented by numerous domestic and foreign articles, documentaries, brochures for promotion of tourism in Macedonia. Jewelry produced in the workshop of Vangjel Dereban is possessed by statesmen, royal families, and silver objects are still present in museums and churches throughout Macedonia. Craftsmanship over the years almost dies out, and the filigree, although with little movement, is no longer represented as a symbol of Macedonian culture and wealth.

Goals of the Project

This sub-project directly aims at creating a unique experience and activity for tourists who visit the region of Ohrid, Struga and beyond, which is currently not offered, as well as enriching the cultural and experiential values ​​of the Macedonian tradition and art.

 The main goal of this sub-project is the restoration of a kind of craft which was a symbol of the tradition, culture and values ​​of the Macedonian people. Creating a workshop and museum of the filigree through such a project means creating experience for the tourists in Ohrid and the area they rarely have the opportunity to experience elsewhere and which through a direct presentation of the creation of a piece of jewelry or a silver object or through a display of the history of the shop of Vangjel Derebran, will tell about the traditions of this area.

 Creation of unique experiences is the basis of increasing the interest of the tourists for one tourist place and increasing the chances of a desire for an extension or a return visit.


The activities of the sub-project include resumption of the workshop of Vangjel Dereban, on the same location and shop where he worked, and construction of a museum of blacksmith by displaying his work and the tradition of his family in this craft since 1819. Through the workshop, in which his apprentices will realistically produce filigree jewelry and items with the authentic tool and by exhibiting items made by Vangjel Dereban’s hands and items from the Macedonian culture and tradition that are preserved
throughout the years, tourists will have the opportunity to get to know more closely with one of the most famous crafts in this region and buy a souvenir from Macedonia.

The workshop and the museum of filigree, through presentation of jewelry and silverware by trained craftsmen and silver and filigree jewelry made by master Vangjel Dereban, as well as a presentation of tradition and history through these objects, papers, documents, paintings, documentaries and books, will tell the story of the tradition and history, and the values and culture of the region in a unique way.



St. Kliment Ohridski No. 40
6000 Ohrid, R.S. Macedonia